Between The Covers

Speaking with new Australian poet & author Georgia Mabarrack

Shawline Publishing

Bradley Shaw talks with new Australian Poet, Georgia Mabarrack about her beautiful poetry collection and new book WISTERIA. A personal conversation of her emotive work and process of writing such intimate poems to be shared and cherished by lovers of great thoughtful poetry expressions.

Grab a copy of the book here -


Its pages are scattered with ramblings about my mother’s youth and my desire to give to her all that she has given to me yet realising it would take a billion lifetimes for me to even come close. These poems speak for me. They speak about my sister’s cancer and the dark thoughts that sit in the back of my mind, relaxed on their futons, laughing at me. That wrongful desire to be loved, that lives in the deepest part of my chest, crawled its way out and found a home between the covers. My childhood traumas, fears and secrets are sprawled across the pages like a wine-stained dress. I imagine if you cracked open my skull and peered through the mess, this is what you would see. I believe that my chaos may help you walk through your own overgrown garden, to find the mystical wisteria waiting underneath the sun.

“A collection of emotive poems and thoughts and words that speak truth, fear and hope from a young new author who has the beginnings of a great wordsmith…” Donna, Indiebooks Reviewer

Georgia Mabarrack is a nineteen year old journalism student from South Australia, who has been writing longer than she can recall. Whether it be copying poems into her journal, academic English essays, or thirteen-page letters to her nana, this is what she needed to do; to write. This is Georgia’s debut collection of poetry, written on her bedroom floor, trying to mend her own heart, and now, hopefully yours. 

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